Non Regular College Program (Online Lectures) - UNISA KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT
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Non Regular College Program / Employee Class - Islamic University of Al-Ihya Kuningan

The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on UNISA Kuningan Jawa Barat along prospectus (job/career prospects, profession, competencies of graduates).

Faculty of Islamic Sciences (FIK)
Islamic Religious Education (S-1) Islamic Religious Education Accreditation B
Government Elementary School Teacher Education (PGMI) (S-1) Government Elementary School Teacher Education Accreditation C
Syariah banking (S-1) Syariah banking Accreditation B
Communication and Broadcast Islam (S-1) Communication and Broadcast Islam Accreditation Good

Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP)
Early Childhood Teacher Education (PAUD) (S-1) Early Childhood Teacher Education Accreditation B
Primary Teacher Education (PGSD) (S-1) Primary Teacher Education Accreditation B
ducation Sport, Physical, Health, Recreation (S-1) Education Sport, Physical, Health, Recreation Accreditation C
English language education (S-1) English language education Accreditation B

Faculty of Health Sciences (FIKES)
Public health (S-1) Public health Accreditation B
Science of nutrition (S-1) Science of nutrition Accreditation B

Faculty of Engineering (FT)
Mechanical Engineering (S-1) Mechanical Engineering Accreditation C
Technical Information (S-1) Technical Information Accreditation Good
Food Technology (S-1) Food Technology Accreditation Good

Prospectus Study Program / Majors / Department

(Job Prospects, Career, Profession, and Competencies of Graduates)
------ FAI
1. Prospectus of S-1 Islamic education
2. Prospectus of S-1 Government Elementary,
__ School Teacher Education

3. Prospectus of S-1 Syariah banking
4. Prospectus of S-1 Communication and,
__Broadcasting Islam

------ FKIP
5. Prospectus of S-1 Early Childhood,
__Teacher Education

6. Prospectus of S-1 primary teacher,

7. Prospectus of S-1 Physical Education,

8. Prospectus of S-1 English language education
------ FIKES
9. Prospectus of S-1 Public health
10. Prospectus of S-1 Science of nutrition
------ FT
11. Prospectus of S-1 Mechanical Engineering
12. Prospectus of S-1 Technical Information
13. Prospectus of S-1 Food Technology
<--14. Prospectus of S-1 Electrical Engineering

1. Prospectus of S1 Islamic Education (Tarbiyah)
Educational Objectives of Study Program S1 Islamic Education (Tarbiyah)
Islamic Education Studies Program (Tarbiyah) aims to produce teaching force:
  • Having knowledge, skills and academic traditions.
  • Mastering science Islamic Education resource materials that become a necessity as a religious teacher.
  • Understand in detail about the problems of learners and the basic principles of education.
  • Mastering the theory and skills in the field of teacher training and be able to demonstrate it works.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Islamic Education (Tarbiyah)


Graduates of Islamic Studies Education Program (Tarbiyah) equipped with a moral and noble values, knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as:

1. Professional educators in the field of Islamic Education (Tarbiyah)
  • Mastering the basics of scientific disciplines in the field of Islamic Education so as to identify, understand, explain, evaluate / critically analyze and formulate solutions may exist in the field of Islamic Education.
  • Have the ability to develop theories of teaching and learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and planning of Islamic learning with a high mastery.
  • Having the ability to recognize, observe, and the approach and reasoning problems based on the study of Islam, for the purposes of academic and professional teacher of Islamic religion.
  • Having the ability to discern, which is where the teachings of Islam and Arab culture, so as to provide Islamic Education and correctly.
  • proficiency in Indonesia is good, true, and polite in spoken language and writing as a Professional Educator, as well as everyday life.
  • Having the ability to improve the understanding of a foreign language text, particularly English and Arabic, for the purposes of academic and professional teacher of Islamic religion.
  • Have the ability to manage and develop the profession of community life.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop the skills of the students.

2. Researchers in the field of Islamic Education (Tarbiyah)
  • Have the ability to develop behavior with regard to education and life education activities based on basic science education, especially professional ethics, the field of educational research, and educational organizations.
  • Having the ability to follow developments in science, technology, culture, and art in the field of Islamic Education.
  • Having the ability to improve the understanding of a foreign language text, particularly English and Arabic, for the purposes of academic and researcher of Islamic Education.
  • Having the ability to recognize, observe, and the approach and reasoning problems based on the study of Islam, for the purposes of academic and researcher of Islamic Education.
  • Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in English and Arabic in particular in the field of Islamic Education
  • Having the ability to use information technology to research in the field of Islamic Education.

3. Entrepreneur and Organizer Educational Institutions, Bureau Tutoring and Private Lessons.
  • Have the ability to establish, manage, and develop positive business in the field of Islamic Education in a creative and appropriate development of education.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop its services.

4. Consultants in Data Management Research
  • Having the ability to think critically and logically, and to understand the qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to manage research data.
  • Have the ability to apply Islam in many other fields of science as well as in the field of applied sciences.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage research data.


Bachelor of Islamic Education general competencies is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of Islamic Education; may solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to initiate pilot unit formation in the field of Islamic Education entrepreneur, able to follow new developments in the field of Islamic Education, conduct research, or to follow courses at further levels .
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Islamic Education (Tarbiyah)
Bachelor of Islamic Education (Tarbiyah) can work and a career in research institutions, educational institutions (schools, universities (state and private universities)), as well as in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) as a Professional Educator in the field of Islamic Education, Islamic Research Education, Leader / Manager of Islamic Education, Islamic Education Consultants, etc.

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with the setting up of business services in the areas of education such as the Institute of Education (elementary, junior high, high school, university), Tutoring, Private Lessons Bureau, or set up business consulting services in the field of Islamic Education.

2. Prospectus of S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)
Government Elementary School understood as Islamic educational institutions such as the basic level of primary education institutions in general, but it has various character and uniqueness. MI as an educational institution in Indonesia as well as other educational institutions must comply with the applicable legislation, such as Law No. 20/2003 on the National Education System, PP 19/2005 on the National Education Standards and Law No. 14/2005 on Teachers and Lecturers. What is the nature of MI? Madrasah is actually boarding schools and school plus plus. MI (excel in the modern education system especially common subjects) plus personality Muslim, Islamic Education and Arabic.

Competency S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)
Competencies Expected graduates of courses S1 Government Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education) is as follows:

1. Pedagogic competencies include:
  • knowledge about the characteristics of early childhood learners from the physical aspects, moral, social, cultural, emotional, and intellectual;
  • mastered the learning theories and learning principles are educational for children ages MI / SD;
  • develop a curriculum that is associated with the development of teaching;
  • organize the development of educational activities;
  • utilize information and communication technologies for the benefit of the organization of educational development;
  • facilitate the development of student potentials to actualize various potentials;
  • communicate effectively, empathetic and polite with learners;
  • conduct assessment and evaluation of learning processes and outcomes;
  • utilize the assessment and evaluation for learning needs;
  • reflective action to improve the quality of learning.
2. Personality competence include:
  • act according to religious norms, legal, social, and national culture of Indonesia;
  • present yourself as a person who is honest, noble, and role models for students and the community;
  • present yourself as a person who is steady, stable, mature, wise and dignified;
  • shows the work ethic, high responsibility, a sense of pride to be a teacher, and self-confidence;
  • uphold the code of ethics of the teaching profession.
3. Social Competence includes:
  • be inclusive, to act objectively, and not discriminatory for consideration gender, religion, race, physical condition, family background, and socioeconomic status;
  • communicate effectively, empathetic and polite with fellow educators, staff, parents, and communities;
  • adapt on the spot duty in the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia which has a social and cultural diversity;
  • communicate with the community's own profession and other professions orally and in writing or any other form.
4. Professional Competence includes:
  • mastering the material, structure, concept, and thought patterns that support scientific subjects Education;
  • mastering standard of competence and basic competences subjects / fields of the development of Government Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education);
  • develop learning materials of teaching creatively;
  • develop professionalism in a sustainable manner by taking action reflective;
  • utilize information and communication technologies to communicate and develop themselves.
Graduate Competency Standards Generic, competency standards Government Elementary School Teacher Education (primary education) is expected to become a professional Muslim scholars in the field of education and teaching as follows:
  • Understanding learners MI and SD Islam;
  • Master of MI and SD material Islam in depth;
  • Design, implement, and evaluate learning in MI and SD Islam;
  • Being a role model for students and the community;
  • Mastering the performance itself;
  • Develop self-sustainable manner;
  • Hanging politely and effectively with students, fellow teachers, staff, parents and the community
Profile, Professional and Career Graduates S1 Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education (PGMI)

  • Teacher MI and SD Islam;
  • Researchers Institutions of MI and SD Islam;
  • Facilitator and Trainer in various Education Training MI and SD Islam;
  • Author of books Educational MI and SD Islam.
  • business unit organization or Islamic Elementary School field

3. Prospectus of S1 Islamic Banking
Studies of Islamic Banking is growing very fast in supporting the needs of enterprises, the accounting profession, governments and communities in the face of global economic turbulence, information and communication technology.ReviewsReviewsOne of the fundamental properties of accounting is to provide financial information quickly and accurately using information technology, so it has accountability to all users in order to establish good corporate governance and good government governance.ReviewsReviewsProgram Study of Islamic Banking create graduates who have the competence to master the application of accounting and finance, inspection and analysis of the financial statements of commercial companies and the public sector as a manager or entrepreneur who is able to create and develop and implement systems and procedures for accounting and financial professionals as well as able to understand the development of information systems technology fields of accounting and finance are applicable.
Competency S1 Islamic Banking Graduates Program S1 Islamic Banking equipped with knowledge, ethics, skill and ability to prepare financial statements, managing finances, developing a system of accounting information, carry out financial audits, operational conventional banking and Islamic financial statements micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the order fulfillment through the role of banking sector credit, calculating and preparing tax reports, analyzing the financial statements of public sector for the development of public sector institutions; able to perform a quantitative analysis of the field of accounting; able to perform the examination and analysis of the financial statements of commercial and public sector; able to create and develop and implement systems and accounting procedures; have expertise in the areas of tax management, etc.ReviewsReviewsBasic competence Bachelor of Islamic Banking is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adapt to the changes; realize that science has always developed and developing; able to search for and obtain scientific information; know how and be constantly learning; in dealing with each issue, is able to reveal the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usability of information technology; can apply science and knowledge; competent and skilled in accounting; can solve the problem logically, utilizing data / information is available; can use the concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and in an effort; capable of actively-as well as in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and take advantage of their help; capable of effectively utilizing the resources available; able to initiate pilot unit formation entrepreneur in the field of accounting, was able to follow new developments in the field of accounting, conduct research, or following a course at a further level.ReviewsReviewsS1 graduate of Islamic Banking has strong integrity, the ability to communicate both verbally and in writing, the ability to cooperate in a team, the ability to understand the knowledge of the ethics, the ability to understand knowledge in the field of accounting, the ability to lead others.Mastering the Islamic economic theory and concepts to the decision making process for strategic and tactical, operational and problem-solving in the utilization of economic resources of the nation, able to apply and utilize science and technology in solving problems.Being able to take strategic and operational decisions using quantitative and qualitative methods, and be able to recommend alternative solutions to the various forms of activities muamalahReviewsReviewsFurthermore Learning Outcomes Graduates (CPL) Islamic Banking Studies Program levels of S-1 is intended to be able to have the following competencies: Competence Ability Field Work: Reviews
  • Able to create strategies, programs and evaluation activities muamalah in banking and sharia asuaransi management.
  • Having expertise in applying economic concepts of sharia banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Be able to identify and analyze problems, potential and prospects as well as recommend alternative decision making in the fields of banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to develop business development strategies sharia banking and insurance management.
  • Obtaining industry practice experience in banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to take advantage of information and communication technology on business banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to plan strategic business activities of banking and Islamic insurance.
ReviewsReviews Competence Knowledge Sector Capabilities: Reviews
  • Master the foundation of theology, philosophy, and theory of Islamic economics.
  • Master of law, principles and concepts of Islamic economics.
  • Mastering the principles and concepts of entrepreneurship needed to become a sharia-based businesses.
  • Master the basic knowledge of information and communication technology in supporting business activities of sharia.
  • Master the latest quantitative and qualitative methods to analyze the problems of the Islamic economic field.
  • Mastering the system concept in the development of banking and Islamic insurance.

Competencies Managerial Capabilities: Reviews
  • Ability to plan, organize, and make decisions in the business activities of banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to apply the latest quantitative methods in analyzing problems, potential and prospects of the banking and Takaful business.
  • Having the ability to lead an organization or institution in the field of banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Have the skills to communicate ideas, problems and problem solving banking and Islamic insurance.
  • Able to motivate the public to apply Islamic principles in activities muamalah

Profession and Career Graduates S1 Islamic Banking Bachelor of Islamic Banking can work and career as a public accountant, management accountants, public sector accounting, internal audit, and accounting educators.ReviewsReviewsCareers in Government Institutions, Organizations Private, or Public Accounting Firm (KAP) as an Accountant / internal auditor or staff examiner in various departments and agencies such as the Department of Finance, BPK, BPKP, KPK, Bank Indonesia, Directorate General of Taxation and the Regional Office of Tax throughout Indonesia, state, enterprises, domestic and foreign investment, expert staff accounting and control at the provincial government offices, city or county governments throughout Indonesia.ReviewsReviewsBeing Entreprenuer (entrepreneur) to build public accountant consultants, finance and taxation, management consulting for corporations and individuals who insightful information and communication technology.

4. Prospectus of S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
Department of Communications and Broadcasting Islam (KPI) offers integrated communication science with broadcasting and propagation of Islam. As a container for the study of science communication, curriculum in the Department of KPIs include all compulsory subjects agreed in ASPIKOM forum (Association of Higher Education Communication Studies), such as Communication Studies, Communication Theory, Philosophy and Ethics of Communication, Political Communication, Intercultural Kumunikasi, Communication Design visual, and so on, so that competence graduate of KPIs can be equated with a graduate / Communication Studies Program in general. However, there is more value that is owned by a graduate KPI compared with the department of communication sciences elsewhere. The value is the mastery of science and religious approaches are also taught in the Department of KPI. Students are given the provision of religious perspectives that will be very useful, both for his personal life in the future as well as for future study and career thus better able to understand the object of study in Indonesia, which is predominantly Muslim.

Vision Study Program:Creating Prodi leading in the field of Communications and Broadcasting Islam and scholars who have the ability to give birth scholarly Islamic Broadcasting communication, personality, skills and research.

Mission Study Program:
  • Childbirth education for Communications and Broadcasting Islamic scholars professional, credible, and noble.
  • Develop research in the field of Communications and Broadcasting Islam.
  • Expanding participation of community service in order to propaganda.
  • Improve networking with various parties related to the optimization of Tri dharma practice.
Competency of S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
Target outcomes (out-put) learning is to provide opportunities for students to, developed the knowledge, attitudes and skills as follows:
a. Science
  • Have an adequate understanding and mastery of the basic sciences related to Islamic (Dirasat Islamiyah);
  • Having an understanding of the science related to Communication and Counselling Preaching of Islam based on the values and worldview of Islam;
  • Having a good understanding of the science of Communications Propagation (especially in the field of broadcasting and journalism) and the Islamic Counseling based on the values and worldview of Islam.
b. Abilities and Skills:
  • Able to answer and resolve the issue of religion and religious issues that develop in society;
  • Able and skilled duties and obligations as a Muslim religious professional counselors and practitioners in the field of broadcasting and journalism Islam;
  • Skilled in conducting research and development in the field of Communication and Counselling Preaching of Islam based on the values and worldview of Islam.
c. Attitude
  • Knowledgeable, civilized and efficient (tadayyun 'Amali);
  • Responsible for the trust was carried;
  • sensitive and empathetic to the surrounding environment;
  • Cultured high science and critical of the negative impact the progress of time and mankind;
  • Willing to open up and actively establish synergies to cooperate with various parties for the benefit of the Islamic da'wah and beneficiaries / community empowerment.
Professions and Career Graduates S1 Communications and Broadcasting Islam
Employment opportunities for graduates of Islamic Broadcast Communications (IBC) is wide open, so many agencies that need professionals in the field of Broadcast Communications Islam, both public and private / company. These opportunities include:
  • Lecturer at universities and private
  • public servants in various government agencies such as the department of communication and information, extension Ministry and local government, military and others Practitioners print media, radio and TV

5. Prospectus of S1 PAUD/ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
Competencies of Graduates of S1 PAUD/ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
S1 graduate PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education) equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as an PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education) standards that meet core competencies, distinctive competencies, and general competence as follows.


1. Have a basic philosophy of science education
  • Understand the basic concepts of education from various experts.
  • Understand the basic concepts PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).
  • Understanding the history of PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).
  • Understand the principles and objectives of PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).

2. Have an understanding of the development of Early Childhood
  • Understand the characteristics, principles, aspects, stages, legal and Early Childhood development tasks.
  • Understanding the different kinds of problems and issues Early Childhood handling techniques.
  • Understanding the different types of learning disabilities (learning disability) and giftedness in Early Childhood.
  • Assess Early Childhood problems.
  • Understanding health and nutrition for Early Childhood.
  • Understanding the process of pre-conception to the child care strategy for the optimal development of children's potential.
  • Understanding Early Childhood education in the family.

3. Have an understanding of Early Childhood Education and learning
  • Understand various learning theories and instructional strategies Early Childhood.
  • Able to develop creative media in learning
  • Early Childhood Conduct needs analysis to develop a differentiated curriculum in Early Childhood.

4. Have a Scientific Knowledge of Early Childhood
  • Have an understanding of law and the protection of children.
  • Have an understanding of the implications of neuroscience for Early Childhood Learning.
  • Having an understanding of the socio-anthropological study Early Childhood.
  • Understand the concept of playing for Early Childhood

5. Mastering the teaching materials for Early Childhood
  • Mastering concepts and mathematical development for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concept and development of science and technology Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concept and development of the social sciences for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concepts and language development for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concept and development art for Early Childhood.
  • Mastering the concepts and motor development for Early Childhood (fine motor and gross motor).
  • Mastering the concept and development of Early Childhood behavior.

6. Able to manage learning activities Early Childhood
  • Mastering Early Childhood curriculum.
  • Designing and using a variety of media Early Childhood.
  • Early Childhood Develop lesson planning.
  • Designing and developing various forms of evaluation instruments Early Childhood development.
  • Mastering the management of the Early Childhood Learning.

7. Mastering the Management of early childhood institutions
  • Able to understand the concept of Leadership.
  • Aable to identify the needs of HR in early childhood institutions.
  • Able to organize Equipment needs in early childhood institutions.
  • Able to make financial planning in early childhood institutions.
  • Able to perform supervision and monitoring in early childhood institutions.
  • Capable Program Evaluation of early childhood institutions.
  • Understand the concept of Entrepreneurship.
  • Understanding the marketing concept is simple.

8. Able to conduct research on PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
  • Able to understand the different models in a simple research.
  • Able to conduct action research.

9. Supporting Capabilities
  • Able to work with the community of Early Childhood
  • Understanding the cultural background of the family and society
  • Develop partnership with parents, community organizers and other early education programs.
  • Participating in community life locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Having insight into the socio-cultural.
  • Insight science and technology.


Early Childhood Teacher Education graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as:

1. Professional educators in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Mastering the basics of scientific disciplines in the field of Early Childhood Education so as to identify, understand, explain, evaluate / critically analyze and formulate solutions may exist in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Have the ability to develop theories of teaching and learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and planning Early Childhood Education.
  • proficiency in Indonesia is good, true, and polite in spoken language and writing as a Professional Educator, as well as everyday life.
  • Have the ability to manage and develop the profession of community life.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop the skills of the students.

2. Researchers in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Have the ability to develop behavior with regard to education and life education activities based on basic science education, especially professional ethics, the field of educational research, and educational organizations.
  • Having the ability to follow the development of science and technology in the field of Early Childhood Education.
  • Having the ability to improve the understanding of a foreign language text, particularly English, for academic purposes and Early Childhood teacher professional or researcher PAUD / ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education).
  • Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in English especially in the field of Early Childhood Education
  • Having the ability to use information technology to research in the field of Early Childhood Education.

3. Entrepreneur and Organizer Educational Institutions, Bureau Tutoring and Private Lessons.
  • Have the ability to establish, manage, and develop business in the field of Early Childhood Teacher Training in a creative and appropriate development of education.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop its services.

4. Consultants in Data Management Research
  • Having the ability to think critically and logically, and to understand the qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to manage research data.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage research data.


General competence Bachelor of Early Childhood Education is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of Early Childhood Education; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with the experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start the pilot establishment of entrepreneurship units in Early Childhood Education field, able to follow new developments in the field of Early Childhood Education, conduct research, or study program at the level further.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 PAUD/ECD (Early Childhood Teacher Education)
Bachelor of Early Childhood Education can work and a career in research institutions, educational institutions (schools, universities (state and private universities)), as well as in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) as a Professional Educator in the field of Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Research Education, Leader / Manager Early Childhood Education, Early Childhood Education Consultant, etc..

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with the setting up of business services in the areas of education such as Early Childhood Education Institute, Tutoring Early Childhood, Early Childhood Playground, Early Childhood Teacher Training Institute, or set up business consulting services in the field of Early Childhood Education.

6. Prospectus of S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Competency S1 Elementary School Teacher (PGSD)
Curriculum Studies Program S-1 PGSD expected to print a graduate profile that has the following capabilities:
  • Devoted and faithful to God Almighty, and mengaktuali-sasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Know the depth of primary school students about to be served.
  • Mastering science subjects source of teaching materials in elementary school.
  • Conducting educational learning.
  • Developing professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Responsible and ethical professional educator.
  • Participate in a multidisciplinary team.
  • Providing insight to the public about the importance of education.


a.Ability to devoted and faithful to God Almighty,
__and mengaktuasisasikan humanity and nationality.
  • Faithful and devoted to God Almighty
  • Obey in worship
  • uphold the moral and religious ethics in carrying out the task
  • Has humanity and sense of nationhood adequate.

b. Know deeply elementary learners who want to be served.
  • Getting to know students as individuals deferences
  • Provide treatment to students according to ability

c. Mastering the source material science subjects in primary school teaching.
  • Substance and methodology of science (disciplinary content knowledge)
  • Packaging materials science be taught in elementary school curriculum (pedagogical content knowledge)

d. Conducting educational learning.
  • The design of the learning program based on a series of situational decision
  • The implementation of learning programs including adjustment while sidewalk (mid-course adjustments) based on an on-going connection with transactional desicians unique reaction (ideosyncratic response) of the learner to teacher actions.
  • Accessing the process and outcomes of learning
  • Using the results of the assessment process and learning outcomes in order to improve the management of learning on an ongoing basis which refers to the achievement of the goals of education as a normative reference.

e. Responsibility and professional ethics educators.
  • Understand and implement professional ethics educators
  • Responsible for the professional educator


a. Develop professional capabilities in a sustainable manner.
  • Able to conduct research oriented pro-ses increase learning
  • Being able to improve the profession itself through scientific research and seminars

b. Provide insight to the public about the urgency of basic education.
  • Can provide effective information to the public about basic education
  • Ability to generate interest in the community to care for basic education.


Participate in a multidisciplinary team.a. Able to adapt and apply the knowledge in multi-disciplinaryb. Have a high spirit of togetherness.
Profile, Professional and Career Graduates S1 Elementary School Teacher Education

Profile Graduate Studies Program PGSD

  • Graduates of the fear of God Almighty and the personality shown by the behavior of elementary school teachers that promotes the values of discipline, wise, prudent, living healthy and fit.
  • Graduates are able to design, implement and assess the learning process in elementary school that refers to the achievement of learning objectives both aspects of cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
  • Graduates who master the learning materials, learning methodologies and can design an interactive learning media in accordance with the characteristics of the concrete operational learning in primary school.
  • Graduates of the master of science in order to apply didactic educational-methodical in developing learners at the elementary school level.
  • Graduates are able to develop their field through action research-based education in accordance with the needs and the development of science and technology, global perspective, creative, and innovative.
  • Graduates are able to communicate empathic and entrepreneurial spirit as well as meet the needs of the community at the elementary level.

Graduate profile above refers to the Class Teacher Competency Standards (SKGK) SD / MI issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education.

Professions and Career Graduates
Worked as a primary school teacher who is able to design and implement learning in primary schools to enable students with meaningful activities to achieve the learning objectives in SD which includes mastery of the five basic subjects (Indonesian, Mathematics, Civics, Social Sciences, and Science natural and able to develop other supporting subjects.

7. Prospectus of S1 OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)
Competencies of Graduates of S1 OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)


Graduates OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation) equipped with knowledge, ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as:

1. Professional educators in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)
  • Mastering the basics of scientific disciplines in the field OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation) so as to identify, understand, explain, evaluate / critically analyze and formulate solutions may exist in the field OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)
  • Have the ability to develop theories of teaching and learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and plan learning exercise, physical, health, and recreation (OPJKR) with high mastery.
  • proficiency in Indonesia is good, true, and polite in spoken language and writing as a Professional Educator, as well as everyday life.
  • Have the ability to manage and develop the profession of community life.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop the skills of the students.

2. Researchers in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)
  • Have the ability to develop behavior with regard to education and life education activities based on basic science education, especially professional ethics, the field of educational research, and educational organizations.
  • Having the ability to follow the development of science and technology in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation).
  • Having the ability to improve the understanding of a foreign language text, particularly English, for academic and professional purposes orjaskes teachers and recreation (OPJKR) or sports researcher, physical, health, and recreation (OPJKR.)
  • Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in English especially in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)
  • Having the ability to use information technology to research in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation).

3. Entrepreneur and Organizer Educational Institutions, Bureau Tutoring and Private Lessons.
  • Have the ability to establish, manage, and develop business in OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation) in a creative and appropriate development of education.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop its services.

4. Consultants in Data Management Research
  • Having the ability to think critically and logically, and to understand the qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to manage research data.
  • mengsinergikan skill sport, physical, health, and recreation (OPJKR) in a variety of other disciplines.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage research data.


General competence Bachelor of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation) is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and get information scientific / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; capably and proficiency in OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation); able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; capable of independent work and effort in; able actively participate in working groups; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation), able to follow new developments in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation), conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation)
Bachelor of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation) can work and a career in research institutions, educational institutions (schools, universities (state and private universities)), as well as in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) as Educator Professionals OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation), researchers OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation), Leader / Manager OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation), OPJKR Consultant (Physical Education, Health, Recreation), etc..

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with the setting up of business services in the areas of education such as the Institute of Education (elementary, junior high, high school, university), Tutoring, Private Lessons Bureau, or set up business consulting services in the field of OPJKR (Physical Education, Health, Recreation).

8. Prospectus of S1 English Education
Competencies of Graduates of S1 English Education


English Education graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, sensitivity, skills and abilities as:

1. Professional educators in the field of English Education
  • Mastering the basics of scientific disciplines in the field of English Education so as to identify, understand, explain, evaluate / critically analyze and formulate solutions may exist in the field of English Education
  • Have the ability to develop theories of teaching and learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and planning of learning English with a high mastery.
  • proficiency in Indonesia is good, true, and polite in spoken language and writing as a Professional Educator, as well as everyday life.
  • Have the ability to manage and develop the profession of community life.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop the skills of the students.

2. Researchers in the field of English Education
  • Have the ability to develop behavior with regard to education and life education activities based on basic science education, especially professional ethics, the field of educational research, and educational organizations.
  • Having the ability to follow the development of science and technology in the field of English Education.
  • Having the ability to improve the understanding of English text, for the purposes of academic and professional English teachers or English researchers.
  • Have the ability to communicate orally and in writing in English.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to research in the field of English Education.

3. Entrepreneur and Organizer Educational Institutions, Bureau Tutoring and Private Lessons.
  • Have the ability to establish, manage, and develop business in the field of English Education in a creative and appropriate development of education.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage and develop its services.

4. Consultants in Data Management Research
  • Having the ability to think critically and logically, and to understand the qualitative and quantitative methods are needed to manage research data.
  • Have the ability to apply English in a variety of other disciplines.
  • Having the ability to use information technology to manage research data.


Bachelor of English Education general competencies is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can constantly learning; handling each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of English Education; may solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units stub English entrepreneur in the field of Education, was able to follow new developments in the field of English Education, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at a further level.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 English Education
Bachelor of English Education to work and a career in research institutions, educational institutions (schools, universities (state and private universities)), as well as in various government agencies or private (national and multinational) as Educator Professionals in the field of English Education, Research English Education, Leader / Manager English Education, Consultant English Education, etc..

Being Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with the setting up of business services in the areas of education such as the Institute of Education (elementary, junior high, high school, university), Tutoring, Bureau of Private Lessons, or set up business consulting services in the field of English Education.

9. Prospectus of S1 Public Health
Educational Objectives of Study Program S1 Public Health
  • Produced scholars in the field of public health who has the ability, skills that are reliable, and competent personality and noble the community needs, the state and the business community, especially in the field of Occupational Health and Safety (K3) and the Health Education and Behavioral Sciences (Health Promotion).
  • Generated new discovery or advance (creative and innovative) in the field of science and technology through a variety of public health research field trials with a scientific mindset.
  • Performed community service as a form of concern Prodi S1 Public Health in the field of public health by applying scientific principles.
  • raised cooperation with other institutions both vertically and horizontally and cooperative in order to develop study programs and personnel with the institution, especially with local governments, health agencies and the business community.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Public Health
S1 Public Health graduates equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, sensitivity, skill and ability as a Bachelor of Public Health who meet the competency standards and common core competencies as follows.

Main Standard Competencies S1 Public Health Graduates
  • Being able to use the principles of solving health problems in the development of public health programs.
  • Able to carry out the management functions of public health efforts in accordance with the circumstances, conditions, urgency and local potentials.
  • Able to educate, train, promote and mobilize active community participation in health.
  • Able to coordinate, and negotiate partnerships in developing health-oriented development.
  • able to develop information systems, science and technology in the health sector.
  • Able to carry out the research and application of research results for the planning, engineering technology, implementation and evaluation of public health efforts.
  • Able to develop professionalism in line with the development of science and medical technology.

General competence Bachelor of Public Health is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and be constantly learning; handling each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of public health; can solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of public health, able to follow new developments in the field of public health, conducting research, or study program at a rate of more further.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Public Health
Bachelor of Public Health to work and a career as a public health experts, public health researcher, teacher / educator / instructor of public health, health consultants in Indonesia and Abroad (overseas), in government or private institutions (hospitals, health centers, polyclinic, Department / Centre or Regional health Service, National Narkortika Agency (BNN), health Insurance, BPS, BKKBN & P2KB, etc.), research institutions and development in health, State or private educational institution (State Universities / private Schools -schools, institutions Training / course, etc.), as well as in other institutions engaged in the prevention of health problems and environmental public services, food and nutrition industry, Governmental Organization (NGO), and so on.

Public Health graduates S1 can also be Entreprenuer (entrepreneurs) are insightful information and communication technology, with established businesses Healthcare Consulting Services independently or in collaboration with other institutions / companies.

10. Prospectus of S1 Science of nutrition
The basic competency of the Bachelor of Nutrition is to have quality and intellectual integrity with high competitiveness, both academically and morally, able to adapt to changes, realize that science is always advancing and developing, able to browse and obtain scientific information, know how and can continuously learn in handling each problem, able to uncover the structure and core of the problem and set priorities stages of solving know and can take advantage of the usefulness of information technology can apply knowledge and knowledge capable and skilled in the field of Nutrition, public relations, and advertising can solve problems logically, utilize data / the available information can use concepts to explain things that are not / less clear able to be independent in work and efforts to be able to actively participate in working groups able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and take advantage of they are able to make effective use of available resources, be able to start pioneering the formation of entrepreneurial units in the field of Nutrition and / or public relations and / or advertising, able to keep up with new developments in the field of Nutrition.

Main Competencies
  • Able to think broadly (meta-cognitive) with a scientific foundation
  • Be able to explain basic theories, science and technology, nutrition and related sciences (food science, biomedicine, humanities, and management) in a structured manner
  • Being able to apply nutrition science and technology in solving nutritional problems of individuals, groups and communities through assessment of nutritional status
  • Able to communicate effectively in counseling, nutrition education and dietetic services to deal with the nutritional problems of individuals, groups and communities according to the results of their studies and consider the implications
  • Able to manage nutrition services based on nutritional assessment that has been standardized independently
  • Being able to make decisions in the process of solving nutritional problems of individuals, groups and communities through an assessment of nutritional status and related factors
  • Able to develop promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative nutrition services and be able to adapt to conditions of limited resources
  • Able to design and manage nutritional education using media and methods according to target characteristics
  • Able to design and manage food management in institutions by applying nutrition and management concepts
  • correctly explains the basics of nutrition and its relation to health and food
  • thoroughly examines the linkages of nutrition, health and food in a system
  • studies, assesses and identifies the nutritional conditions of individuals, groups or communities
  • makes interventions and nutrition services planning according to needs
  • implementing nutrition interventions and services in accordance with the intervention plan
  • carries out monitoring activities on the implementation of interventions and nutrition services
  • carries out evaluation activities on the implementation of interventions and nutrition services
  • promotes nutrition and conducts social mobilization for the prevention and treatment of nutritional problems
  • understands the importance of cross-sectoral, cross-disciplinary and cross-professional collaboration in dealing with nutrition issues
  • make the necessary preparations for advocacy activities in dealing with nutrition problems
  • design and carry out research under the guidance of an expert or expert group
  • applies the latest research results to nutrition interventions and services

Graduate ProfileNutrition Study Program graduates have the opportunity to work as:
  • Nutrition service decision maker.
  • Nutrition service manager and care provider.
  • Nutrition service supervisor.
  • Nutrition education and training supervisors
  • Nutrition inspirator in the community (Community Leader).
  • Implementing scientific research.
  • Health Services
  • Fitness Center
  • Beauty Center
  • Food and Drug Monitoring Agency
  • Food Security Agency
  • Food and Beverage Industry
  • Consultant Company
  • R&D research and development
  • Health Sector NGOs
  • Training and higher education

11. Prospectus of S1 Mechanical Engineering
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Mechanical Engineering
S1 Mechanical Engineering graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, ability and skills to design a machine tool, convert the energy from the source into useful energy, producing objects or machine parts in terms of techniques, processes and management.

S1 Mechanical Engineering graduate has the competence, skills, and knowledge of basic machine, solid mechanics, hydraulic and pneumatic, automotive, metallurgy, welding technology, cast technology, material failure, power generation systems, mechanics and fluid machinery, fuel and combustion motors in, heat and mass transfer, refrigeration and air conditioning engineering, machine tools and perautan, mechanical technology, industrial metrology, basic CNC, machining industry, computer aided engineering, mechanics and instrumentation, and industrial automation systems, maintenance engineering, energy conversion, energy management, etc.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering is to have quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of mechanical engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of mechanical engineering, was able to follow new developments in the field of mechanical engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study in levels further.

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering master the basics of the nature of science in general machining techniques and in particular, having the ability to think creatively and critically so that they can learn independently continually to always be able to follow the development of these areas of expertise, so it has great adaptability to the demands of environment; has extensive knowledge and insight that can be self-employed and create jobs; dominate the field of mechanical engineering has an important role in the process of industrialization such as movers, construction equipment and machine tools factory; also capable of handling the research, design and development of engineering fields such as automotive , konvervasi manufacturing technology and energy fields.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering to work and a career in government or private agencies (national and multinational) such as state-owned enterprises (BUMN), manufacturing companies, automotive, energy, consultancy and contracting services, mining and petroleum, research institutes, universities (state and private universities), etc. : as a leader or manager, or maintenance expert engineering, energy conversion, energy management, designers and developers such as automotive engineering, manufacturing technology, etc.

Being technopreneurs with established consultants and contractors with regard to fuel consumption, performance, impact and energy management, engine performance analysis, operation & maintenance training, design and control of manufacturing processes and systems, training of manufacturing technology, CAD / CAM, CNC, quality control and metrology industries, etc.

12. Prospectus of S1 Informatics Engineering
Informatics Engineering (information technology, computers, internet and telecommunications) is the fastest growing field and cause expansion of employment opportunities in a wide range of sectors, particularly the manufacturing sector, and computer services firms, software houses, IT consulting, as well as the various fields of technology of information.

To deal with the liberalization of information in the era of globalization, much needed quality human resources and is able to compete in every aspect, especially in the information technology field of informatics engineering.

Informatics Engineering are needed in many areas of the world of work, the development of various disciplines of information science, good science and process technology specifically symbolic facts (data) into information by making the most of computer technology. Informatics Engineering basing logic and systematic approach to obtain the solution in solving various problems.
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Informatics Engineering
S1 Informatics Engineering graduates equipped with knowledge, ethics, skills and abilities to design, apply and develop the information and communication technology systems in the field of Software Engineering, Information Systems, Engineering, Networking, Multimedia Systems, Management Information Systems (MIS), System Analysis, System Designer , Consultant Systems Development, Database administrator, Network administrator, Computer Networking, Software Engineer, Artificial Intellegence, Games & Embedded System Programs, Database System, etc.

General/basic competency Bachelor of Informatics Engineering is to have quality and intellectual integrity; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, was able to uncover the structure and core issues and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge; proficient and skilled in the field of informatics engineering; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize aid them; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of informatics engineering, able to follow new developments in the field of informatics engineering, conduct research, or to follow the course of study at the next level.

S1 Informatics Engineering graduates have the competence and expertise of software engineering, computer networks, databases, artificial intelligence and game programming and embedded system which is able to adapt to the development of Information Technology in order to provide a model of a computer-based system solutions; also capable of being a reliable information technology-based entrepreneurs, etc.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Informatics Engineering
Bachelor of Informatics Engineering to work and a career in government or private agencies (national and multinational) as System Analysis, System Designer, Systems Development Consultant, Database Administrator, Network Administrator, Specialist in IT Security, Mobile Application Programmer and Design, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Consultant, web Developer, Artificial Intelligence Applicator, ICT Project Manager, ICT Researcher, etc.

Career / work in the field of Corporate Information Systems, Software Engineering, Network Engineering, Multimedia Systems, Database, Networking, Software, Multimedia, E-Business Consultant at IT / IS, Corporate Telecommunications, Industrial Manufacturing, Bank, Insurance and other financial institutions, Networking companies, Internet Service Providers, research institutions, corporate services (transport, tourism, etc.), Government Agencies, Universities, etc.

Career / profession as Department Manager of Information Systems, Information Systems Development Project Manager, Artificial Intelligent, Computer Networking, System Support, System Design, Database Administrator, Web Developer & Designer, Games & Embedded System Program, Programmer Analyst, Software Engineer, Lecturer / lecturers, etc.

Being Technoprenuer by establishing consulting services Information Communication Technology Systems, Business & System Analysis, Software Engineer, Game Developer, progammer, etc.

13. Prospectus of S1 Food Technology
(Food Industry and Processing)
Competencies of Graduates of S1 Food Technology
S1 Food Technology graduates equipped with the knowledge, professional ethics, skills and ability to manage / handle the following job fields.
  • Field Production
    Regulate the course of the process of food production in a food processing industry so that product quality can be guaranteed, efisiens and profitable.
  • Field Reseach and Development
    Conduct research and development and processing systems for improvisation and innovative products with good processing towards efficiency.
  • Field Quality Control
    To monitor and control the quality of raw materials that include requirements, auxiliary materials, preservatives and products according to quality and safety.
  • Field Quality Anssurance
    To control and control and design specifications in processing materials, machinery, equipment and procedures for processing into quality and safety of food products are guaranteed.
  • Field Machinery and Equipment Design Build Industry Food
    Planning and designing machines and processing equipment that is effective, efficient and safe in accordance with quality standards.
  • Sector Management and Marketing of Food Products
    Regulating and controlling as well as purchasing and marketing of raw materials, auxiliary materials and products involved in food processing.

Bachelor of Food Technology :
  • Having the ability to perform post-harvest handling of agricultural products, processed agricultural products, conduct and supervision of sanitation, food industry management activities, and able to carry out entrepreneurship.
  • Mastering the technical and managerial skills of farming, such as land preparation, seeding, planting, fertilizing, weed pest control, harvest and post-harvest as well as managerial and entrepreneurial competencies.
  • Have a knowledge and appreciation of the biological or agricultural systems that are used as the basis for the application of technology and engineering.
  • Having the ability to identify and analyze problems in the technology of food processing and agricultural products and make approaches to problem-solving and evaluation efforts.
  • Have the ability to design systems and processes with respect to nutritional aspects, economic, social and environmental impact.
  • Having the ability to communicate, conduct independent learning and build cooperation.
  • Entrepreneurial spirit that has mastered the technology with high professionalism and be able to adopt and become innovators who are sensitive and responsive to the development of food technology, so as to take advantage of business opportunities based on scientific considerations.
  • Having a social life and professionalism that is responsible for solving technology problems that will benefit the wider community.

General / basic competency Bachelor of Food Technology is having quality and intellectual integrity; highly competitive both academically and morally; able to adjust to the changes; realize that science is always advancing and evolving; able to browse and obtain scientific information / engineering; know how and can continually learn; in dealing with each problem, and is able to reveal the structure of the core problems and set priorities stages of completion; know and can take advantage of the usefulness of mathematics and information technology can apply science and knowledge, competent and skilled in the field of food technology; able to solve problems logically, utilize data / information available; able to use these concepts to explain things that are not / less clear; able to work independently and effort; able to actively participate in the working group; able to communicate with experts in other areas of expertise and utilize their help; able to effectively utilize the resources available; able to start forming units pioneering entrepreneur in the field of food technology, able to follow new developments in the field of food technology, conduct research, or to follow the course of study in levels further.
Profession and Career Graduates of S1 Food Technology
Bachelor of Food Technology can work and careers in a variety of government agencies or private (national and multinational) as planners, engineers, practitioners, experts, managers / staff, consultants, researchers, quality control, supervision or analyst, etc., in various fields, especially in the areas of:
  • Livestock industry: dairy processing industry, corned beef, canned meat, sausages, nuggets, animal feed, etc..
  • Aquatic product industry: industrial canning and processing of aquatic (freshwater fish, marine fish such as sardine / mackerel, tuna, shrimp, scallops, seaweed, etc.).
  • Industry crop yields: instant food industry, bread / bakery, flour mills, etc..
  • Industrial plantation crops: sugar industry, coffee, tea, chocolate, etc..
  • Horticultural crops industry: industrial processing and preserving of fruit-vegetable.
  • Industrial fermentation products: alcohol, sorbitol, HFS, beer, MSG, traditional food etc..
  • Industry drinks and snack products: bottled water, soft drinks, syrup, confectionery, jam & jelly, snacks and crackers, food extrusion etc..
  • Etc.

Bachelor of Food Technology can work and a career as a researcher or analyst on institutions / research centers or lecturers in Universities or Institutions of Professional Training; nutrition as a supervisor in a variety of companies, etc.

Being a techno or entrepreneurs (self-employed) with established consultants or contractors in the field of food and agro-industry and food processing; founded the restaurant and catering (catering services), etc.
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